NS 219/ BMS 270 The Immune System in Brain and Health Disease

Module: 2
Sponsoring Program: NS/BMS
Administrator: Lucita Nacionales

Course Number: NS 219 / BMS270
Course Name: Special Topics
Units: 3
Grading Option: S/U
Course Director: Susanna Rosi

Co-Director: Anna Molofsky
Dates: April 19 - May 7
Schedule: MWF, 1-3 pm
Maximum Class Size: 12

Course Description: The immune system plays critical roles in brain health and disease throughout the lifespan. In physiology, immune cues from the brain or peripheral tissues can shape synaptic plasticity. After injury and in neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases, activation of the innate immune system begins as a host defense mechanism associated with neutralization of an insult and restoration of normal structure and function, similar to inflammation in peripheral organs. However, if it is not regulated, it can result in a self-propagating and deleterious process. Neuroinflammation is an important element common to many neurological conditions associated with loss of neurological functions. At the end of this course, students should have an up-to-date, fundamental understanding of how the immune system is implicated in brain physiology, as well as the relevance of neuroinflammation to neurological disorders. This class will meet three times a week for 2 hours each day guided by expert guest lecturers who will provide an overview of the topic and lead in depth discussions on current research papers (1-2 papers per class) that are of relevance for the course topic.