Module: 1
Sponsoring Program: BMS
Administrator: Ned Molyneaux
Course Number: Biomed Sci 270
Course Name: Immune-based therapies for chronic viral infections (***CANCELLED***)
Units: 3
Grading Option: S/U
Course Director: Melanie Ott
Additional Course Director(s): Phillip Norris, Satish Pillai
Room Number: BSRI, 270 Masonic at Turk
Campus: BSRI
Schedule: 3/30-4/10; MTWThF; 3:00-5:00 Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri, 1:00-3:00 on Wed (follow up)
Prerequisites: none
Maximum Class Size:
Course Description: In this course we will review arms of the immune system that interact with viral infections, and potential methods of modulating these responses to better control viral infections. Areas to be explored include intercellular signaling via IFN-α and extracellular vesicles, modulating markers of immune exhaustion, and cellular therapy using effector and regulatory T cells. An emphasis will be placed on chronic viral infections, though acute infections will also be discussed.