Module: 1
Sponsoring Program: BP 219
Administrator: Rebecca Brown
Course Number: BP219
Course Name: Systems I Case Studies in Systems Biology
Units: 3
Grading Option: S/U
Course Director: Hana El Samad
Additional Course Director(s): Lani Wu, Steve Altschuler
Room Number: BH-212
Campus: Mission Bay
Schedule: Mon, Wed, Fri, 2:00-4:00 PM
Prerequisites: Can be taken independet of systems mini course II. Priority to iPQB and Tetrad
Maximum Class Size: 20
Course Description: Critical reading of seminal/thought provoking papers that have had a lasting impact based on computational modeling, in addition to hands on implementation/extension of some of the models to push the boundaries. Priority to iPQB students requesting des empahsis in Complex Biological Systems and then to Tetrad. Remaining seats open to all programs.