BMS 270/DSCB 270 How to be(come) a PI (2023)

Module: 2
Sponsoring Program: BMS/DSCB
Administrator: Priscilla Pereira

Course Number: BMS 270/DSCB 270
Course Name: How to be(come) a PI
Units: 3
Grading Option: S/U
Course Director: Peter Turnbaugh

Dates: April 26 - May 12
Campus: PH
Location: CS-1116 & 1117
Schedule: M/W/F, 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Minimum Class Size: 6
Maximum Class Size: 12

This class will demystify the life of a Principle Investigator. The format will involve brief didactic lectures and in-depth discussions with faculty across multiple disciplines. Learn what it took for them to succeed and how to avoid their mistakes in your own career. Topics of discussion will include choosing research projects, securing funding, teaching, mentoring, campus leadership, and outreach.