BMS 270/BMI 219 Fundamentals of Microbiome Research (2022)

Module: 3
Sponsoring Program: BMS
Administrator: Priscilla Pereira

Course Number:
BMS 270/BMI 219
Course Name: Fundamentals of Microbiome Research
Units: 3
Grading Option: S/U
Course Director: Peter Turnbaugh

Suzanne Noble
Dates: May 16-May 27
Campus: PH
Room: CS-1116&1117
Schedule: Mon through Fri, 1:00-3:00
Maximum Class Size: 12

Course Description: You are not alone! Even in this prolonged period of social distancing we are all home to complex microbial communities with far reaching impacts on health and disease. This minicourse represents a crash course into the experimental and computational techniques for studying and manipulating complex microbial communities. Learn why microbiome research is revolutionizing many traditional disciplines and changing our concept of what it means to be human. The format will alternate between in-depth discussions of cutting-edge papers and hands-on tutorials with current approaches for data collection, analysis, and presentation. On the final day, students will debate controversial topics in the microbiome field and work with the course directors to design innovative experiments to address these long-standing questions.”