BMS 270 mRNA vaccines: How did they do that so quickly? (2022)

Module: 1
Sponsoring Program: BMS
Administrator: Priscilla Pereira

Course Number:
BMS 270
Course Name: mRNA vaccines: How did they do that so quickly?
Units: 3
Grading Option: S/U
Course Director: K. Mark Ansel

Other faculty: director and other guest speakers 
April 4-April 15
Campus: PH
Room: CS-1102&1103
Schedule: Mon through Fri, 2:00-4:00
Maximum Class Size: 12

Course Description: Amidst the chaos and tragedy of the past two years, RNA immunology emerged as a seemingly unlikely hero of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet the astonishingly rapid development of mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was the culimination of several decades of fundamental and applied research. Our understanding of RNA biology, RNA-induced inflammatory responses, and RNA delivery to induce protein expression in living cells paved the way to the deployment of vaccines with outstanding safety and efficacy in providing protection against severe COVID-19 disease and mortality. This course will explore the science and technology behind this triumph of immunology, molecular biology and medicine through discussion of landmark papers and recent developments that continue shape the field.