This course has been cancelled for Spring 2022
Module: 3
Sponsoring Program: Tetrad
Administrator: Danny Dam
Course Number: Biochem 210 / BMS 270 / PSPG 219 / NS 219
Course Name: The Eye in Finer Focus: From Development to Disease
Units: 3
Grading Option: S/U
Course Director: Deepak Lamba
Co-director: Aparna Lakkaraju
Dates: May 9 - May 27
Campus: PH
Room: CS 1113 & 1114
Schedule: MWF 3-5
Maximum Class Size: 20
Course Description: This mini-course will cover the latest advances in basic and translational research into the process of seeing and how it goes awry in disease. We will discuss discoveries that spurred our understanding of the development of the eye and the visual system and gave insight into mechanisms that lead to vision loss. Topics will span neuroscience, cell biology, biochemistry, immunology, and regenerative medicine.